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Online Scent Classes



I never thought I'd do online scent classes, but so far they are dramatically exceeding my expectations! There is one regular online live classes for dogs who are already searching on:


Saturdays 10:00-11:00am


This is a multi-level class, from dogs who are quite new to searching to experienced teams.


And a class for beginner dogs:


Wednesdays 10am-11am


Maximum 4 dogs in a class.
All you need is an internet connection; phone, tablet or laptop with a camera, the odour your dogs works on and, of course, loads of tasty treats and/or favourite toy!

How does it work?
I send out suggestions for hides before the class so everyone's set up. Then we watch each dog in turn and discuss why they worked it the way they did, what was hard/easy about different hides. Everyone then puts out another set of hides to build on how their dog did in the first search.
We're learning lots about air flow and how odour behaves and how to use hide placement to move your dog's searching forwards. Also working on various themes like increasing sniff rate, dealing with distractions, working near heat sources, improving indication etc.


Book here

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